Booking a session


Vinyasa – Ashtanga – Forrest style

some videos can be checked at the YouTube in the Asian Jasmine Yoga

I called it, my style of yoga is strongly inspired by these three styles. While ashtanga gave the speed of movement of one breath one movement most of the time with structured and routine discipline of practice, the vinyasa gave the fluidity of my sequencing, and Forrest gave the slight texture yet differentiate the details of each muscularity as I practiced and assisted my teachers. Of course, it is my own interpretation and body khaenesthatic – which is the best part for each practitioners and each practices.

Oh, did I mentioned my name is IIR PRIHATINAWATI ?

To book you can click here (and if I had not linked it yet – please email to to ask details of the sessions), either one on one or class sessions, online or in person.

For corporate booking, please contact directly to WhatsApp number found in my instagram account asianjasmineyoga or again email above


we are a cool bunch, the yoga bodyworkers. Some if not most of us has our own injuries in some part of our life, some has beyond cultural boundaries uniqueness, some such as I, only take few Yoga Bodyworks clients. Not because of anything, I just found it more tiring than other types of teachings.

Why it is so? While my brain would like to make fathoms of human muscular-scheletal structure and its functions, yoga bodywork of mine is combining those structural and functional knowledges to a certain person to person goals and aims, either to strengthen or to relaxing, to expand and to constrict. The only way muscular endurance can be build lean and graceful with its strength from the deepest supported muscularity to the scheletal body support, is via constanctly construct and deconstruct, build and rebuild while smoothing the tensions in each delicate surface to go through the most darkest system to rewiring through electroclast and electroblast in our systemic limbic body.

Its an approach in yoga where the yoga movement combine with the similar movement to massages, sometime dedicated to similar kind of massages of combined osteopathy acupressure points and cranial therapy, and a deep muscular massage, either in the massage table or on the mat while doing the yoga movement.
